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Budget Solar Imaging - Continuum Subtraction?


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No Solar images from me... but a question to the more experienced producers of them... :)

I came across an interesting article yesterday: http://www.astrosurf.../us/sun/sun.htm

Basically, the guy is trying to extract (white light) CaK image information by SUBTRACTING (wide-band) "adjacent" continuum solar image data from "on spectral line" CaK image? As a sometime Particle Physicist, well used to "background subtraction" stuff, this rang my "interested" bell. :p

The original article was limited to CaK imaging. Filters were limited to 100 Angstrom width. The author achieved some success with CaK and speculated that H-alpha solar imaging might be possible? Now we have narrow-band H-alpha filters... Could one dig out e.g. modest images of Prominences, via some cunning combination of H-alpha filters and continuum subtraction? Anyone tried such things? ;)

Chris / Macavity

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This is a familiar and interesting experiment but as quoted in the article the H-apha line >x10 narrower that the K line and the captured H-alpha image was unsuccessful in detecting chromosperic events - the bandwidth was too great and swamped by the continuum. I still think it worth experimenting with the cautionary note that some newbies to this field confuse DSO 12um and 7um H-alpha filters as OK for direct solar observations with very dangerous consequences. Be warned :cool: I cheat with Coronado H-a and CaK scopes but due to age the latter is invisible but my cam can :rolleyes:

Just remembered - using an occulting disk to block the sun's disk a great than sub angstrom H-alpha filter [don't know bandpass] will show proms but scope must accurately track the sun. Also a high dispersion spectroscope will show limb proms by open the slit slightly - so there are other ways to see proms :rolleyes:

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Thanks, Nytecam.

A "fair 'nuff" warning re. unprotected Solar observation! I suspect H-alpha is beyond this technique. I had a gut feeling that (prematurely) selling my Coronado H-Alpha was not a *great* idea. (LOL) But maybe one day in the future? In the interim, I may mess with a Baader CaK filter. Heck, even Solar Continuum (Green!) filters are "double stacked", these days...

The GENERAL idea of continuum / background subtraction (in other astronomy, too)

seems interesting... But, as is the way of things, results are never guaranteed? :)

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