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Moon, 17 March


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A major case of cloud-dodging for this one. I just have hit the "pause" button in APT at least four times to allow clouds to drift past. That's what you get for imaging in 60%+ cloud cover, I guess. I did finally give up a few exposures short of my target, but not many.

Anyhow, usual story. 114 exposures of 1/1000th @ ISO800 with the 450D and 127 Mak. Preprocessed with PIPP and 51 frames stacked in Registax v6.



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Yep! Another very nice image there James. Worth the game of dodgems! That ridge to the western edge of Mare Nectaris really shows up well.

You have a very nice round shape too. My captures recently look a bit odd. Not completely circular but a bit...well...squashed! That is with two different scopes too - but the same camera. Or maybe it's just my eyes after a long day at work! :grin:

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You have a very nice round shape too. My captures recently look a bit odd. Not completely circular but a bit...well...squashed! That is with two different scopes too - but the same camera. Or maybe it's just my eyes after a long day at work! :grin:

I thought my images (and those of other posters) from the previous lunation (is that the right word?) looked oddly lumpy, but the limb seems to be a much cleaner arc this time. I wonder if it's anything to do with libration?


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