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Hi, Zakalwe,

I also read wiht interest the recent Mesu200 posting and discussions on possible alternatives. (ASA, etc) and was surprised at the CGE Pro being dismissed from the thread. Any comments on it were few and they didn't rate it in the comparison.

I wouldguess the price would need to compete with the SW EQ8, or whatever is finally released upon us, but if that really has encoders, then I would be giving the CGE Pro at least a £1k debit on the price/performance comparson.

It does look pretty good, though, but we would need input from actual owners to get a better idea


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Yes, I saw that one. To be honest, I've just blown £2K on a new camera and filter wheel setup, so I have no budget now. I'll be watching the EQ8 closely, but would love to hear how the CGE Pro compares.

Hmmm...not a great review here:


Lots of teething issues, but after that it looks like a decent performer.

Or here:


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