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Programs For: a)Tracking b)Framing c)Stacking

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Okay so i've touched on this topic before but are not entirely sure on what the ones I will be needing for My Nikon and Mac Laptop. I'd just like to confirm I'm using the correct programs for the correct purposes, besides tracking. I will be able to bring my laptop with me and use that for framing; meaning being able to change shutter speeds, ISO etc. This program is 'Sofortbild'. However what do I use to track the object using a NEQ6 mount? or should I just use the hand-controller on the mount itself?

Finally for stacking I've seen that in some places Deep Space Stacker is recommended yet people say it drains the image of colour any alternatives?

PS. I will be able to use a windows laptop (netbook) but prefer to use mac. Regarding the camera its Nikon for now :)

Cheers - Alex

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Have you thought about getting a copy of Making Every Photon Count? It looks like you are going to be spending quite a lot of money but are maybe not understanding some of the fundamentals. It would be a few pounds well spent and help you to get to grips with all the different aspects you need.

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I think unless you pay a stupid amount of money for the Nikon camera control software, you are limited to using the camera's in built timer, which on my D50 goes to 30 second exposures. To use the bulb setting for longer exposures, you need to use an Infra-red trigger to open and then shut the shutter. There are two ways to do this. First is a hand held camera IR remote, timing the exposures with a stop watch. The other option is a piece of free software ( DSLR Shutter http://www.stark-labs.com/page26/DSLR_Shutter.html ) which can control the number of exposures, time of exposure, pauses between exposures etc, but will need an additional USB/IR interface buying to allow that software to interact with the camera.

The Shoestring USB/IR trigger ( http://www.store.shoestringastronomy.com/products_ds.htm ) does that by replacing the hand held IR remote with a USB controlled IR signal. This is the unit fixed to my scope. Just under my finderscope, you can see the IR emitter pointing at the camera.


Tracking. The NEQ6 mount will track the sky on its own. What it won't do is track the sky accurately for several minutes without star trailing occuring. The best I managed unguided was 2 minute exposures.

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