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Sub £60 Canon 1000D


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Sounds like a bargain doesn't it? In fact i've taken a bit of a gamble. After weeks of being outbid at the last by these ubiquitous last second ebay-bidding programs I decided to go for a 'faulty' option. The faults being a cracked screen and cant save images to SD card (takes pictures fine though).

Now i'm hoping that with live view I can save images direct to my laptop. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong on that as i've not used a live-view dslr before.

I have a 2m USB cable on its way now i just need some power. Battery or AC adaptor is the question.

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Yep, just install EOS utils and you will have full functionality over the camera - including live view and saving images to a directory of your choice.

Edit: If you have an official canon battery, you will get a good 3 or 4 hours from that. Third party batteries dont seem to last half as long.

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Ahhh... then you need something like this:


Something ive been considering for a while as it avoids the annoying thing of resetting your image filename number back to 0001 when you switch it off to change battery. So you end up with filenames like IMG0001_1 - slightly annoying if you like everything to be in order :)

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Not from my experience when using it over USB, it may be something to do with the control software. When you switch off the camera it disconnects from the laptop so the software has to be loaded all over again when you've changed the battery. Normally, with my CCD software (artemis capture) it just picks up where it left off with the filenames, the 10000d always goes back to the start when setting up another additional sequence.

Its only a minor niggle for those who like me, prefer every sub to be running in numerical order. You would be glad of it once you get 50 or 60 subs and youre trying to sort the good from the bad from the ugly.

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