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Imerge or ICE???


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Another comparison (or is one better than the other?) question, has anyone out there used both or either of these stitching apps to do a lunar mosaic. What are the pro's and con's of either? All opinions & advice will be very welcome. Thanks in advance.


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Sorry another person that has only used ICE here. I find it works perfectly, with lunar stuff anyway.

Only advice is I crop every image using gimp (just around the edges) before throwing them all at ICE as registax adds a white border which shows up like a jigsaw puzzle.

Every pane must be a slightly different dimension as I just roughly crop a bit off each pane but I have never tried with completely different dimensions.

Oh and with big mosaics (like the ones on my flickr of the moon) ICE does add some strange artefacts to the background sometimes. Not important as I fill the background afterward nomatter what software I used. This also only happens if the settings have changed slightly between panes (exposure, gain etc).

Hope that helps,


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I use both... iMerge is always used during the capturing, load each avi into iMerge and build the mosaic as you go. Then process them later. I try ICE first, and it more often than not works, but if ICE messes up (and it has done), I go back to iMerge and finish the mosaic there.

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