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My first Venus


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Lovely stuff Ian. The scopes working well. :smiley:

Hi Tony,

I'm still very pleased with it, it's a cracking 1st 'scope.

I've been saving for more aperture, and a big mount for a couple of months now - hope to be able to start looking Spring / Summer next year.



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That's a cracking Venus Ian. It'll be Saturn next!


Hi bro,

With any luck Saturn will be next.

The forecast isn't too bad for Sat / Sun morning, Sunday's looking best here :saturn:.

I bought a 4x Imagemate from the Scopes'n'Skies bargain bin last Wednesday and it still hasn't arrived, I was hoping to have it for the weekend :smiley:


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I bought a 4x Imagemate from the Scopes'n'Skies bargain bin last Wednesday and it still hasn't arrived, I was hoping to have it for the weekend :smiley:

Oooh, nice. I want one of them. Hope you get it soon. Skies are still carp here. There's a possibility that Saturday night might be a goer. Fingers crossed.


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