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New ASI120MM firmware


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To be honest there have been so few opportunities to do anything useful with the camera of late that I've not really formed an opinion as yet. Jupiter is becoming an ever more tricky target with a small scope even when the sky is clear and we've really not had any nights of particularly good seeing so far this year.

I will try some lunar imaging when the opportunity next arises, but I don't think that's a good test of whether it's a decent planetary cam or not. I think I might be waiting until Saturn starts making appearances at hours I find convenient to really get to grips with it :(


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To be honest there have been so few opportunities to do anything useful with the camera of late that I've not really formed an opinion as yet. Jupiter is becoming an ever more tricky target with a small scope even when the sky is clear and we've really not had any nights of particularly good seeing so far this year.

I will try some lunar imaging when the opportunity next arises, but I don't think that's a good test of whether it's a decent planetary cam or not. I think I might be waiting until Saturn starts making appearances at hours I find convenient to really get to grips with it :(


Yeh know what you mean with the weather

I remember you posted an animation with your pics once. I've finally had a go with pipp at a vid but can't seem to download it.

Another stargazer suggested posting on utube & putting a link (which I've done on my son's page, he's not impressed!)

but all you have is a link rather than the utube vid on the page--

Just wondered how you did it.


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I usually do my animations by taking a number of finished images and creating an animated GIF using ImageMagick.


Thanks I'll look at that

but how do you actually post your animation? all I get is I'm not permitted to upload this kind of file!

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