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Attaching my DSLR to my Skywatcher Skyliner 200p Dob

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Hi all,

I know that lots of questions seem to get asked many times but I always find that I'm missing one crucial bit of info (which normally just means I'm not understanding something).

So, I have my scope, and I have me DSLR (Canon 60D), and I have my T-Mount, and I know know that I have all I need to direct attach them all together.

But now I'm confused, because as there are not going to be any eye-peices between the scope and the camera, I don't understand what field of view I'm actually going to get.. if any.

Am I asking a silly question?


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What exactly is the 200p dobsonian?

If it is a manual variant then imaging of any type is not really worth thinking of - The Moon being the one exception.

If it is a goto then it will at least track and so be OK for planeraty imaging with a webcam.

If you are thinking of DSO and long exposure imaging then the setup isn't really suitable.

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What exactly is the 200p dobsonian?

If it is a manual variant then imaging of any type is not really worth thinking of - The Moon being the one exception.

If it is a goto then it will at least track and so be OK for planeraty imaging with a webcam.

If you are thinking of DSO and long exposure imaging then the setup isn't really suitable.

Thanks Ronin,

And yeah, it's just a dob mount with no tracking etc so I know I can only really get shots of the moon and small fuzzy pics of Jupiter.

I can already see that I'll be upgrading to the an EQ mount with tracking at some point but was just interested to see what I 'could' get with the current basic setup.



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You can get t-adaptors that hold an eyepiece internally. 'Eye-piece projection' gives you more magnification in your pictures


Do you have a link to such an item?

Just having a google now but not sure which t-adaptors are going to do what I want.


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Alan at 'Skies unlimited' on e-bay sells eyepiece projection adaptors: ebay.co.uk/skies_unlimited/ . The adaptors themselves take some getting used to and are not intuitive, but can produce some good results. (Alan, by the way, is a well known and trusted retailer - especially of the BST eyepieces).

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Alan at 'Skies unlimited' on e-bay sells eyepiece projection adaptors: ebay.co.uk/skies_unlimited/ . The adaptors themselves take some getting used to and are not intuitive, but can produce some good results. (Alan, by the way, is a well known and trusted retailer - especially of the BST eyepieces).

Thanks, I'll take a look.

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