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How can you convert xx Darks into 1 master dark, same with Bias

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Hello All,

Is there a simple way of just creating a master dark from 50 CR2 (CanonRAW) darks? Same for creating a master Bias again from CR2 Bias files?

I have looked in DSS and I can create a Master Flat (only if I load a light to be additional processed) in the image folder, but if I add darks and Bias as well I can not see if a master is created so looking into how to create master darks and Bias.


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If you want simply to create a master dark or bias you could just load your set of darks or bias into DSS as if they were images and ask it to combine them using a plain average. While this is what I do (in AstroArt) to make my darks library I'm using set point cooling CCD. With DSLR I'm not sure that this would be a good idea because a bias is used to scale the darks. I'm not sure how this works, I must stress, because I don't use a DSLR. You might be best to do it longhand unless someone knows the proper procedure.


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Finally got it sorted. It appears that the masters are only created when there are many input files. As I was originally trying out DSS, I was putting 16 Lights, 2 darks, 2, Bias and 10 flats through and it appears that it means many more than just 2 files to generate a master. I only found this out as I wiped eveything and tried again this time putting loads more darks and bias.

Thanks for the advice.

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I noticed something else as well when creating the Masters.

It appears that when you load DSS up with loads of Lights,Flats,Darks and Bias and register and stack then the Masters are create. With the Dark Master there is an entry in the associated dark text file that seem to indicate the the Master Dark has been created with the Master Bias.

MasterOffset=C:\Users\Sean\Pictures\Astro Work\Bias_800_0Deg\CR2\MasterOffset_ISO800.tif[21/02/2013 16:17:50]

In this case (and this is where I am asking for advice) is the next time I run a DSS session and include the Master Dark only (for Darks) then do I need to also include the Master Bias (for Bias/offset) or will this alter the stacking run by taking to much Offset/Bias out of the Darks? I hope you understand what I mean

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