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Altitude Adjustment bolts on EQ5 Mount

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Good morning all,

I apologize for being yet another victime of the EQ5 Altitude Adjustment bent Bolt. I am trying to find a reasonable way of getting the bolt out without damaging the mount. Is theere a walkthrough somewhere detailing perhaps how to take the mount apart to gain access to the bolt. I've noticed the 2 black circle plates that has the latitiude markings on one side and plain black on the other, could be a good access point but I have no idea how to remove them. I am pretty desperate here, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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This is really starting to annoy me now, I've seen countless threads complaining about the quality of the supplied bolts for the EQ5, I cant understand why Skywatcher (or should that be Synta?) hasnt addressed this issue, the bolts are obviously not up to the job & it needs sorting. It just seems to me that they're doing naff all about it as they can expect a more or less (unless u make some yourself) guranteed extra £30 from the sale of each mount. Unfortunatley I dont know how to solve your problem (I bought mine 2nd hand & already had the upgraded bolts fitted) but I'm sure someone will come along soon to help u out.


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This problem has just reared its head in the Welcome Section where a member has a bent bolt in his new EQ5, Astro Developments manufacture a replacement set for £27.50, if you think this is a bit steep then you can make your own if you are handy at DIY, a short length of 8M metric stainless rod to cover the size of both both bolts and a couple of plastic metal bushed ( threaded for 8M ) knobs or knob and ratchet handle, these can all be sourced through Ebay suppliers. Cut to length, shape the ends and polish in an electric drill, then epoxy into the handles, job done. This will save a few pounds but you may think the hassle is not worth it, the choice is yours, the following is for the EQ5 the EQ6 may have a larger size thread :)


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The root causes of the BBS (Bendy Bolt Syndrome) in decending order of importance are, the tightness of the mount pivot as set at the factory, the slope angle of the face which the adjusting bolts bear and the low quality steel of the adjuster. Each of these three should be addressed by Skywatcher. Although purchasing third party better quality adjusters is the usual remedy, as a result of the first two problems, care should be taken not to seriously damage the angled adjusting face with the increased loaing possible with the new adjusters. :smiley:

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