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Memory Bliss

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You can call it ignorance, but that's a harsh word - this sort of thing is just a lack of knowledge. It's not a deliberate action to annoy, for them it just isn't important. They do not care... we cannot say that they should care and "How can they get to their 40's without knowing", they are not interested so why would they have found out.

This sort of thing is only obvious and simple to us, because we choose it to be.

If we were a geology forum, we might be saying the same things about some who didn't know that diamonds were made from Coal under very high pressure and heat (and in fact maybe I've even got that wrong). Indeed, then, we may not be aware that our Sun is a Star...

This thread has gone on way too long and I cannot believe that we falling out over the fact that someone doesn't know something that we do... If they don't know, tell them - if they won't listen walk away! They are probably happy in their bliss...


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