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Leaving eyepiece caps off in storage once finished session

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hi all. each time i go out and observe when I come in the glass on my ep's mists up and i wonder whether i should leave the caps off them until the moisture has evaporated. i store my ep's in a flight case, so i just close the lid at the end of a session and then in the morning i put the caps back on. is something other people do or not worth bothering with? my reasoning was that if the glass has moisture on it and you put the cap on it, it will stop the glass from drying and i don't know if that's a great idea or not. any advice please?

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Leave the caps off whilst the eyepieces dry, this might take up to half an hour or so. Then it wont do any harm to perhaps give them a quick blast with an air blower prior to placing the caps back on and returning them to the flight case.

If the flight case has been outdoors, I also leave the lid open, during the time that the used eyepieces are drying on a shelve, to vent the contents, as moisture usually has formed inside.

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I put my caps on for transport, once home if the EPs are moist they get the caps removed and left in a warm room.

I woundt transport them with the caps off. The foam in a flight case lid can scpur the glass all too easily.

Seconded :) After a long session I'll put caps on, pack them eyepieces away in their case then the next morning when I wake up I'll just open the case, take the caps off and let them dry.


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