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Thank you guys for both your great welcome and your replies, yes i am afraid i was rather vague, but i stupidly thought that by giving you the make and model, the most experienced on here could tell me through that experience how good you believe it to be, sorry i should not presume, okay the details well, i researched a lot of Telescopes, i want to do as much as possible with my telescope, i did not want to start at the bottom so i picked the best i can afford, i want to see deep space objects and planets, also i have a tonne of metal in my spine after a major operation last year (i have a degenerative spinal disease) and as a consequence i cannot look up without suffering excruciating pain and locking of my neck and shoulders within 3 seconds, this telescope allows me to look down, in short i wanted a workhorse that can do everything and yes maybe in the future (soon) i would also like to be able to take pictures as well, as i said thank you all for your advice, i have wanted this to happen fore so long i am not sure i can wait one more day, i still wish to order and pay for it today, so i do hope the information i have now provided you clever lot can now tell me to go ahead and buy it TODAY.

I re-iterate: the scope i would like to buy is a CELESTRON NEXSTAR 130 SLT (motorized ) is this a goto? and is it easy to allign? i have heard people having trouble with this, and please could you recommend one or two trustworthy retailers, i have seen these scopes from £333-£412 each one exactly the same make and model this i do not understand, i would like to get it for the cheaper side if possible but i will listen to any advice given, i implore you to respond when any of you can, but as i said i really want to order and pay for it today, again thank you all in advance.

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Hi Pajj, welcome to the forums. I cannot comment on the optics of the 130slt, Its is goto however. Firstlightoptics would be a good choice, see link at top of page. If you were to give them a ring they would definitly be able to help you out with some real solid advice.

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If you are intending to cover photography "soon" in the future, as you have mentioned, the 130 SLT is an Alt/Az mount and as such your images will be subject to short exposures, the long exposures required for DSO imaging, with the exception of bright objects will not be possible due to the effects of what is called field rotation, which is compensated for with an equatorial mount. That does not mean to say that you will not be able to take images, just that your options will be somewhat limited by the equipment :)


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Thank you Johnny for the information on the retailer, i will check it out and let you know when i have aquired my scope, won,t be today now alas.


Thank you John for the information on taking pictures, another assumption i have made is that like a train set you can add to your scope through the years to make it better and better, i hope this time my assumption is correct?

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Pajj you will not improve the quality of the scope, that standard is set by the manufacturers, but what you can add is quality eyepieces/ Barlow to those that will be supplied with the scope. There will be quite a few forum members that will have the 130SLT that can possibly guide you to a range of suitable eye pieces and accessories, without burning too big a hole in your pocket. What you may find though, as you get under way, is that like a lot of others starting out, that after some time you are limited by aperture, which is followed by the yearning for bigger and better, more commonly known as aperture fever, the joys of Astronomy, have fun :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys for the replies and advice, i bought the Celestron Nexstar 130 SLT, since buying it 12 days ago we have only had about 10 minutes of clear sky at any one time, so have not been able to align or use motor drive as yet but i did manage to get it all built and ready, i found what i think was a galaxy on my first attempt although it was very small and shaky i am sure because of its shape and the way it was at a very acute angle, after 10 minutes as i said it clouded over, last night however i decided to go outside when there was a break in the clouds to scan the skies and realized the moon was above my house so was probably missed on earlier attempts in the brief clear sky, i quickly rushed my equipment outside and with the help of my niebours 8 year old daughter quickly focused on the moon directly above me, oh i forgot to add: i invested in a Barlow Lens and bought it at the same time as the Telescope, i firstly fitted the said Barlow Lens and then added the others when favourable and Wow, i have never seen the Moon so majestic, it was only a part Moon but the craters were so big and clear, you should of seen the sparkle in Georgia's eyes (my niebours kid) alas the clouds again rolled in and that was that, i have still yet to align my equipment and to be honest i am a bit wary of it all, i hope i do not mess it up, just one question if any of you can help and it is this, could you tell me please how long does it take to align once you switch it on and is there anything for me to be worried or scared about when i finally get a clear night? any help or advice would be very much appreciated, i believe i need at least an hour of clear sky to align is this true or am i miles out with my thinking? anyway thanks again peeps and hope you can reassure me that even an ape could align my Telescope ha ha.

Bye for now Paul.

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