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First Jupiter with new scope


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I arrived home yesterday to find an unexpected Fed-ex missed parcel leaflet. They had left it with the neighbours so I went next door to find a coffin sized box. I carried it back into the house and opened it to find a Skywatcher 250p ds looking back at me. My brother knew I was saving for a new scope so bless him, he decided to buy me one. 24 hours later the clouds parted (also unexpected) so popped it on my HEQ5 pro. (Will probably upgrade to NEQ6 sometime in the future but as long as it is not to windy it will be fine for visual.

Spent an hour or so looking around the sky M42, M31 then landed on Jupiter and I couldn't help it so I got out the xbox webcam. 2000 frames later and some processing in registax here is the result. I was quite chuffed with it.


One question, how do I prevent or edit out the halo around the outside of the planet?

Kind regards


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Using Photoshop you can isolate the planet and darken the background with levels or the exposure tools

Very nice capture with Io on the limb........was that played for? :shocked:

Thanks for the tip. Thank you all for your kind comments and encouragement. What impressed me most was the detail captured from an xbox webcam that cost £3.99 :-)

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