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Eyepiece advice needed...

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I am a newbie and received my first scope as a gift about a month ago.

I have a Skywatcher 1141 1000mm f8.7.

I have spent the first month getting to know about the scope and how it works, tinkering with collimation etc and have managed to get some good views of Jupiter, Orion Nebula and several other of the easier sights to find and look at.

From various things I have read, it appears that the suppied optics (10mm and 25mm Skywatcher MA and 2x Barlow) are not the best.

Would I notice a difference if I upgraded to a couple of good Plossl eyepieces and if so which brand? I've read about Meade 4000, GSO, Revelation, Celestron but it gets a bit confusing.

Would I also need to take into account my focal ratio when choosing and would there be certain ones that would yield better results for my particular scope?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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I'm no expert but I think the concensus is that you can't have too high a quality eyepiece. The problem with that is that eyepieces can cost an awful lot of money and you probably would not get the benefit of the really expensive ones in your scope. That said an eyepiece is something that can stay with you through many different scopes if it's a good one so you have to work out the cost over lifespan.

If cost is an issue there have been a few folk here recommending BST eyepieces from am eBay seller http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2045576.m570.l1313&_nkw=bst+eyepiece&_sacat=0&_from=R40 at £47 each they won't break the bank.

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The next step up from the eyepieces with your scope tend to be something like the Vixen NPL. I would be tempted to get a 30mm which will give you nice wide field images and maybe something like a 15mm as anything higher than 10 would probably push your scope past its limiting power.

Good luck, whatever you decide you will notice a vast improvement in quality with a relatively small jump in eyepieces.

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