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Wow - is this for real? do you guys really build this stuff? amazing!

I thought I was pretty handy working out how to align an equatorial mount!

Keep it up.


:smiley: Sadly I only get to play *some* of the time - the rest of it the machine is trying to earn a living! Mind you, as I was running tihs cycle this afternoon I kept asking myself how I got so lucky 8) It really is great to have these toys available and even better to share the fun too! I have a party tomorrow night but I should be able to get close to finishing most of this before I go, assuming the ptfe turns up! (If not I can use nylon for testing purposes!)


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This is a PowerCentre KM80 Rob, a wonderful bit of kit about the size of a small caravan :smiley: I also have the Mazak SQT10M which is a 3 axis cnc lathe - first lathe I ever had that I can turn square parts! (on purpose I mean :evil: ) Has driven tooling in the turret - great fun!


Will it work with AutoCAD files? :love4: hint, hint,hint, lust,lust,lust

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*sigh* This is what I should have done instead of going to University. Seriously.

I went to Uni too WH... got me a BSc(Hons) in Computer Science. When I left I worked 6 months at NU then got a job as a despatch rider for a year :evil:

Will it work with AutoCAD files? :love4: hint, hint,hint, lust,lust,lust

Possibly... it will run full 3D cycles if need be. I only bought it about 3 months ago so the OS is pretty up to date :smiley:


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This baby is on Ebay for only £61,000. or $125,000US

Goodness knows what the shipping costs would be, plus VAT, plus Import duty. I think Astroman should buy it, then we could have Arizona breaks on a regular basis. Two plusses here, get to learn how to operate this baby, then drink in those Arizona desert skies at night.

Oh, there's a third perk, drink AM's booze. Somehow I think the third will be the problem one. :smiley:


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Gordon - this is a DIY focuser for another project I'm working on rather than an Ambermile thing - though if it works out I may reconsider :smiley: I will make stuff if people ask - the same as if anyone wants stuff made or wants to come to the workshop for a play themselves they are welcome (within reason and the machines' capabilities of course!).


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Well, I nipped to the workshop this morning and set about the body to add the final touches (if only...)

Pic 1 - milling the holes for the focus shaft and bearings.

Pic 2 - Shows the little ptfe pads (the proper stuff not arrived yet... )

Pic 3 - First test of the assembled thing.




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Pic 1 - Looks good eh?

Pity it didn't work as planned :evil: The ptfe just has not got a low enough friction coefficient-thingy so it's hard to start the tube moving if the adjustment is sufficient to stop it moving on it's own...

Pic 2 (I know, Rubbish focus - forgot to press the closeup button) Plan B - which was plan A until the ptfe idea... I will need to start over to do this right I think. No matter, the program is in the machine now and I only have to spiffy it up a bit :smiley:




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I have to say I am disappointed the Teflon bearing model has failed. Does the spindle slip on the flat, or does it lock up? What about another Teflon pressure pad applied to the spindle from below? Or, have you abandoned the experiment entirely now.?


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Ron - the moment needed to get the tube moving was too much, the spindle spun on the tube rather than starting it moving. A little finger pressure started everything going but that's not good enough. Pity, but as I said, it looks like it's back to the roller bearings an a ptfe break/tensioner.


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beautiful project, Arthur! It's fascinating stuff what you do.

Out of interest, (if you don't mind my asking) if you were to make one specially for someone what would you charge?


I guess questions like that are better asked via PM's. I would venture to assume.

Ron. :evil:

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