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Heq5 / ed80 / 80mm setup

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Reading between the lines a good setup for astropotogrpahy is a

Heq5 pro (with tracking) / ed80 / 80mm refractor as guide scope.

A, I right in saying that a dslr could be mounted to the ed80 to take the images?

And how use the 80mm work as the guide scope? Is a guide camera attached to this? Which ultimately feeds back into the heq5 mount.


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HEQ5 is a good mount to start imaging on. The ED80 & DSLR will give you a nice field of view for many objects. Add a camera to the 80mm guide scope, something like a QHY5 which will connect to the mount via an ST4 cable for guiding. The only other thing you will want to consider is a flattener for your imaging scope to get a nice flat star field to the edge of your DSLR frame.

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You could also use a "Synguider" ..... ( http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/astronomical_accessories/camera_adaptors_and_imaging_products/SYNGUIDER_AUTOGUIDER )

This standalone unit fits in the guidescope and connects directly to the HEQ5 and controls the mount independently of a laptop.

I use one with the ED80 / HEQ5Pro and get 20 minute subs with ease .

I'd also recommend the field flattener on the ED80.

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I am planning a similar setup. I either want to upgrade the Vixen GP with a guiding port, or get an HEQ5. I will use the APM 80mm F/6 in my sig as imaging scope (with a Canon EOS 450D attached, and TS flattener), My 70mm finder will act as guide scope, using the ASI130MM as guiding camera. I intend to use the laptop to guide. Several experienced astrophotographers said they preferred that option. As I will be controlling the DSLR through the laptop, it might as well control the guider.

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Couldn't agree more ,

I use the laptop to control the camera via APT and tend to be stacking etc while imaging , and playing on SGL at the same time.

I use the Synguider because I got it before I succumbed to the march of time and bought a computer , at the time I was just dabbling and it was the easy option.

I continue with it because it works for me although more computer savvy folks will no doubt get on better with a guide camera and PHD ,

I just can't be bothered to go through yet another learning process . . . :rolleyes:

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Whatever works for you! If the synguider method isn't broke, don't try to fix it. I think people tend to stick with the tried and trusted, I learnt with an ST80 / QHY5 & PHD and would be a little lost with a synguider - but that doesn't mean it won't be perfect for someone else.

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Whatever works for you really. I use a QHY5 camera on a 50mm finderscope controlled via laptop. I plugged it all in, fired it up at the default settings and it just worked. I have no intention of messing with it.

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