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viewing the sun

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Baader solar film.

Modern objective filters can be used on any scope perfectly safely. Check they fit well and cannot accidentally come off (wind etc). In simple refractors (with no rear element) a Herschel wedge combined with neutral density filters are safe as well. NOT FOR USE IN REFLECTORS!!

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There are two main ways to do it.

1. Dedicated solar (Ha) scope.

2. White light filter on your existing scope.

The second option is much MUCH cheaper, but you are limited in viewing in white light only, which will be sunspots.. With the Ha scope you can see detail on the disc and prominences etc.

Both ways are safe, but you must always take precautions, each and every time you setup to observe. If you go for the white light filter, the first thing you must always do is check the filter for damage. Also remove the finder or check that the caps are on (if there are kids around I'd suggest removing the finder).

When I used white light filters I got into the habit of always running my hand past the EP (after making sure that the filer is over the objective) just as a final check that nothing is going to happen to my eyes.

This is the Ha scope I've used - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/coronado-solar-telescopes/coronado-pst-solar-telescope.html

this is the white light solar film that I've used - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/solar-filters/baader-astrosolar-safety-film-nd-50.html

Hope that this help in some way, shout if you have more questions.



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White light observation will show you sunspots, including their structure (umbra and penumbra) and also, if you have good conditions, you will see mottling on the sun's surface.

So plenty to see with a relatively cheap filter before you have to splash large amounts of cash on a Ha scope!


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