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Horse Head and Flame in narrowband


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I started this year with a lot of astro-enthusiasm and a bit of luck (good weather, nice polar alignment, good tracking) so this is my first result.

images taken 2 night in a row (2-nd and 3-th of January) for H-alpha and another night for Ha,SII and OIII bin2.

Equipment: Equinox 80 side by side with ORION 80 on EQ6/EQMOD, main camera - Atik 314L+, guide camera - Orion SSAG, filters Baader Ha 7nm, SII 8nm and OIII 8.5 nm

Exposures: 18 x 10min Ha bin 1x1, 9 x 5min Ha, OIII and SII each.

Software: MaximDL for acquisition, calibrating and stacking, StarTools for stretching, sharpening, deconvolution, and other.


This is the result obtained after first 2 nights.

For colors, I followed the John Blackwell's tutorials for MaximDL but I think something I miss on my way, so everything is very red.


Alnitak have some green reflection from one of the channels, I don't know why.

One of my friends made the final processing using my raw files and here is the result:


He used the following algorithm: Red=70%Ha+30%SII, Green=60%OIII+40%SII and Blue=100%OIII.

The colors are nice and everything looks very natural.

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Hi again,

Last night I had the first light for my new telescope - a MN190. I am delighted about this scope. Is a winner from my point of view. I will post the shoot here, to see what I mean.


Scope - SW MN190, EQ6 with EQMOD remote controlled (from inside the house), Atik314L+ main camera, ORION SSAG guiding camera on finderscope

Pics - 11 x 600 sec, H-alpha filter 7nm Baader, darks and bias, -20 C sensor

Soft - acquisition, calibration ans stacking with MaximDL, first pic finalized with levels and curves in Photoshop PS2 and the second one finalized with develop, crop, deconvolution, sharpening, life and denoise in StarTools (great software).

Photoshop PS2




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