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Where did people keep their telescope

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Hi all

I've just got my first telescope (Newtonian explorer 150pl) and its massive.at the moment ive got it set up in my bedroom since I live in a hated house and don't know where else to put it.

I know im going to be moving it when I get to go outside- although at the moment there is heavy snow. Also I wonder if I could actually use it looking through a window? (Is that a stupid question)

Any advice!


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I have my scope in the box it came in, in my living room (live in a small apartment).

Yeah, either viewing through windows or an open door wont work very well because air and distortion in the glass, plus you virtually cut away at the number of photons you recieve.

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I also keep my scope in a custom soft case with taped zips to minimise dust, prior to that it was stood in my living room with a cover over it.

You can view through a window but you have to take into account the following:

1. Open the window.

2. Turn the radiators off in the room and let it cool down a bit.

3. Only use a low power of magnification (the default 25mm eyepiece) as higher powers will show too many air distortions.

4. The views won't be as good as having it set up outside.

5. Your bedroom will be damn cold until the heating warms it up again!

I had to spend several years viewing through the window of a 3rd floor flat between living in garden flats/near an accessible open area. I got still got plenty of moon and Jupiter viewing done in that time. Why miss an opportunity?

There are also no stupid questions :)

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