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Need some advice........

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I live in the city so often have to travel out of town to see anything. I have had a small travel scope for the last year or so and its time to get something a lot bigger. I have been looking at the skywatcher explorer 130p as it seems to be the best i can get for my budget (£200) and is reasonably portable. I know i'd be able to see more with a dobsonian but as i spend most of my time in a field etc.. not sure if its right for me?

Any opinions/ideas welcomed.

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Think there is a general impression that Dobs have to be used on flat surfaces. I thought this to until I saw one being used on a slope. Then I got one and it was all downhill from then. :grin:

Joking aside I now realise they are fine in most places as long as its not very uneven with mole hills and cow pats everywhere.

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I never had a problem with my Dob on even ground. Admittedly it is now in pieces on and around my desk, but that has nothing to do with its efficacy! The way I see it if you're purely an observer then a Dob would be the best move. They're so much easier to set up and control, and you're likely to get a bit more aperture for your money, especially if you're going to get one on Atrobuysell. I frankly wish I'd waited as I've seen 12" dobs going for around £300 recently. Oh well, taken the AP plunge now :)

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