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EQ3 Goto system is made for wrong tripod!

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EQ3-2 goto system with SW150p woes - Chapter Two


Any assistance from those with goto system like the above would be very much appreciated.

I got the scope attached ok, then started on getting the goto system mounted. It seems to come with the two motors already attached, but the instructions are simply appalling...just ONE very brief page describing parts FOR THE WRONG MOUNT, and no instructions that anyone could possibly follow safely. I'm aware there is a user website dealing with some of this but it's for installing a goto system to a bare bones EQ3, not the partially installed one I have.

The motor control and handheld computer mounts are made for steel tubed tripods. How am I supposed to attach both to the aluminium legs supplied? I haven't got the slightest clue where to put the motor controller except in the tripod tray but there is an earth connection strip on the back that must be attached to a metal contact but there is simply no way to attach that to any metal surface on the tripod supplied!

Assuming I even got the thing mounted and working there are no instructions about how to de-clutch or disengage the motors in the event that I want manual control with the flexible control cables, as I suspect doing this will ruin the motor gears, but I am not sure. Does anyone know where I can located a bolt or screw to temporarily free the motors so the gears are not strained with manual control?

I am extremely disappointed to have the wrong parts for the wrong tripod. Skywatcher/SynScan must know perfectly well that they are packaging this widely advetised system wrongly, yet there is no mention in the instructions as to how to adapt it for the aluminium tripod. The holders have simply no where to go. This is a very poor show from Skywatcher and they'll be hearing from me first thing Monday. Meantime if anyone could guide me I would be ever so grateful.

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Your mount should have come with a metal bracket that is a short tube with a plate off to one side. This fixes to the tripod via the main head fixing bolt. The motor control fits to that.

There should also be a plastic piece that holds the paddle box. There is a "tongue" on the back that clips onto the tripod tray and the paddle fits snuggly in that when not in use.

Yes, it took me a couple of days to work out how these worked.

Once all set up it is a nice mount even if it is really only for the shorter OTAs. (Mine is with a Mak 127)

Hope that helps.


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I must admit I have used them to fine tune but am not sure whether I should have. I also wondered if your power supply failed you could operate the mount manually. The OP is right the manual is abysmal

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Radscanner Regards the motor control holder my advice about Velcro - which I must admit I have been using (not to great effect - it keeps falling off) - was based on several websites including suppliers. I WAS WRONG!

I must admit I always wondered what the tube on the plate was for and Stargazer has helpfully supplied the answer . Just dug it out and fitted it (thank you Stargazer - I would never have worked that out).

Hopefully someone will come along and explain (to us both) the manual control position :smiley:

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Thanks for very helpful replies. To be fair most sellers do warn about the velcroed handset in advance, but not about the motor controller. I've been wondering what on earth that strange metal plate with the slit cup was until Bargazer pointed out what it's for. Thanks for that - though I'm not sure exactly where you put it...I'll work it out.

The reasons manual cable slow-mo controls are useful are many: Motor cut out, power loss, power adapter failure, rain on mains supply, gear failure, jammed cogs, and simply nice occasionally to have a non-goto/motor drive session. It looks like the motor gears do actually turn without too much resistance when using the cable controls but I wonder whether long term use will put undue wear on the motor drives. For me this is an important facility. How little it would have cost SynScan to put a couple of simple clutch levers on the drives and I would not have worried about £25 or so extra to have them.

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Ive just seen same one for £199 full GOTO mount is £429 how much can you sell a EQ3-2 mount for these days £150 ish plus if you pay full price £299, your right unless i can get one cheaper i would be better selling mount putting money to and buying the GOTO mount.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi everyone - I recently got an Explorer 150p EQ3 Pro Synscan GT and last night set up the mount using the instructions but found myself with a box of stuff and not instructions for. The Synscan has operating instructions but no mounting ones. The mount has the motors already in place as mentioned by others, with input and output ports, but no where it seems to mount the controller and gear-translation-data-box-thing "cup" holders. Mount with velcro is not my idea of a solution for an expensive bit of kit.

I've seen some pictures online of the holders in place, attached using between one of the legs and held with the butterfly screws. I'll try this tonight, removing the mount and weights first! I don't understand how the box can be filled with all the right kit and perfectly packaged - ie this didn't all arrive in multiple boxes - only for all of the components not to have any instructions on how to go together - one piece is a metal about the length of my hand with a round metal cup on the end??. Just because you're into astronomy doesn't make you a great engineer lol.



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I've seen some pictures online of the holders in place, attached using between one of the legs and held with the butterfly screws. I'll try this tonight, removing the mount and weights first! I don't understand how the box can be filled with all the right kit and perfectly packaged - ie this didn't all arrive in multiple boxes - only for all of the components not to have any instructions on how to go together - one piece is a metal about the length of my hand with a round metal cup on the end??. Just because you're into astronomy doesn't make you a great engineer lol.

The controller box is actually intended to fit on the tubular steel legs of the heavier duty tripod. As you have box-section aluminium legs on your tripod that is obviously not going to work. However, the bracket you mention is the apparent solution. The "round metal cup" is actually a pretend tubular steel leg section and the controller box should clip to it. Where you mount the other end I'm honestly not sure. Might it fit underneath the tripod head, with the retaining bolt for the mount passing through the hole in the end of it and the knob on the bolt holding it up tight to the bottom of the tripod?

(I should point out that I've never seen one of these in the flesh. It's largely guesswork from photos I've seen.)


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Here are the "bits" left over from the build that the instruction manual does not cover. Lol none of the tools have been used. Even on the website the scope came from the seller says to attach the translation bit to the leg using cord or velcro! Both items, the hand controller and the translation pack (as I've heard it called) fit into the black plastic holders which don't work with the rectangle legs. The round plastic grip fits snuggly onto the round metal bit top right. It might be possible to put the thread of the knob underneath that connects to the mount head through the hole of that metal bit.

Not sure about the other cables.

It doesn't come with any power packs, but I think you can get a compatible 3pin plug to car socket converter for the power cable (cigarette socket to pin cable in the middle) from Maplin for about £10.

Seems all a bit odd the kit doesn't come with a put-together manual.

Has anyone bought this kit before and put it together??



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Ok, I'm thinking top right is the bracket to mount the motor controller box on. My best guess is that it's bolted underneath the tripod head with the mount retaining bolt.

Below it is the holder for the handset, which clips onto the side of the tripod tray, I think.

Below that is the motor controller holder, which fits to the first item.

I can't make out the two leads at the bottom, but I think they go to the motors from the motor controller.

The lead with the cigarette lighter plug is to power the mount, usually from a battery or something similar.

The curly lead goes from the handset to the motor controller I think.

Never used the spanners and associated hardware.

The handset is obvious, the cable next to it is to connect the handset to a PC for upgrading the firmware if required and I don't recognise what's in the plastic bag on top of the manual.


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Ok, I'm thinking top right is the bracket to mount the motor controller box on. My best guess is that it's bolted underneath the tripod head with the mount retaining bolt. Check

Below it is the holder for the handset, which clips onto the side of the tripod tray, I think. Still trying this...

Below that is the motor controller holder, which fits to the first item. Check

I can't make out the two leads at the bottom, but I think they go to the motors from the motor controller. Check

The lead with the cigarette lighter plug is to power the mount, usually from a battery or something similar. Hmmm, one power lead, two power inputs (controller and motor controller)

The curly lead goes from the handset to the motor controller I think. Check

Never used the spanners and associated hardware. Same

The handset is obvious, the cable next to it is to connect the handset to a PC for upgrading the firmware if required and I don't recognise what's in the plastic bag on top of the manual Ok, I'll get a USB-to-Serial converter. Various tools and an allen key.

Thanks James :) Time to put together the scope...


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Regarding the power cable, I think you should have the power coming in to the motor controller box, which then has the two cables out to the motors, and also the cable to the handset. The handset and the motors are powered from the controller box.


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Regarding the power cable, I think you should have the power coming in to the motor controller box, which then has the two cables out to the motors, and also the cable to the handset. The handset and the motors are powered from the controller box.


Ok, I've assembled the whole scope; I've fitted the hand controller mount to the tray - bit of a puzzle and suddenly it was obvious lol. The Motor controller is in the holder which is connected to the metal bit in my previous pic top right.

As for the power, quoting the manual "The DC power port on the hand control is for hand control stand-alone applications only. For telescope applications, use the 12V DC outlet on the mount.". I think this means for the EQ5 and 6 and the Motor controller in my case. So power goes down the RJ-45 to the hand controller?

Excellent, just a trip to Maplins then for one of these:


Max 5 amp which the scope draws 2amp according to the manual.


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I've not seen one of those supplies before but I can't see an obvious reason work.

In normal use the handset is powered down the cat5 cable that connects it to the motor controller box. The only power connection should be to the motor controller box.

Did the bracket for the motor controller box fit under the tripod head, by the way? I was only guessing there and it would be handy to know.


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