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Autoguiding problems

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I have been using an SXVM7 camera as the autoguider using AstroArt. For some reason , I have yet to fathom out , the commands given by the SXV using the cable to the mount do not seem to be acted upon.

I thought I would try out another program , Maxim DL , to see if the problem was the mount or software.

Anybody got a set of instructions of how to autoguide using the SXV ( has guide socket with direct cable to HEQ5 mount) and Maxim DL to save me going through all the Maxim instructions ?


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John, I'm guessing here, but SX cameras need some sort of interface to talk to the ST4 protocol of the guide socket on your mount.

As I learnt recently, the EQ/GQ mounts require a simple analogue on/off (basically earthing the relevant pin) to make the mount move to a guide command, and I not so sure the camera provides that type of output.

Meade mounts are different, in that they use true 'pulse' guiding.

When I had an MX7C, and used it with Star2000, to guide my scope, I had to use an interface 'dongle' between the camera/PC and the mount.


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How does the SXVM7 give it's intstructions to the software - does it connect to the computer or via the H9? I use an SXV dedicated guide camera which connects to my H9. When getting maxim to recognise the cameras you have to set the main camera as SXV universal and the guide cam as "same as main camera". However if you are connecting via a serial port I guess you should use the SXV universal guider again.

Once you have got Maxim to recognise the camera Maxim couldn't be easier.

So - start by clicking the little camera Icon in the top menu bar and going to the connect tab. Once that is done click on the focus tab and focus. You can select a bright star and bring down the exposure times so that the star isn't saturated. whilst focussing click on the inspect tab for the FWHM read out. Do for the main and guide camera.

Slew to target. Go to the guide tab, select expose and choose an appropriate exposure time. Then click start - you will be asked to put the lens cap on the scope and Maxim will do an auto dark.

After exposure go to calibrate. Maxim will normally choose the brightest star but you can click on an alternative star if you want e.g. brightest star is close to the edge of the screen. If you know your Dec then enter it (this just saves you having to recalibrate with each new target). Click on calibrate. this will slew the scope in dec and RA to assess the position of the guide camera. You need a minimum slew of 5 pixels preferably more than 10. You can adjust the slew time using the guide settings menu it you aren't getting enough or too much movement. Maxim leaves a red track showing the movement and gives you the coordinates at the end of each slew. Ideally the star should return to close to it's original position and show a right angle. If the calibration is slewed it is likely that you have some backlash. You can compensate for this under guide settings and backlash compensation but a better way is to make sure both the dec is slightly out of balance - this way the gears stay meshed thanks to gravity with no backlash.

Once calibrated go to track and start. You can show a graph of the tracking error. If the readings are oscillating turn the aggression down. I used an aggression of 3-6 with the GPDX and am currently finding 7-8 works best with the EM200.

That's it really. There is more stuff that you can fiddle with if the guiding isn't performing eg max move. The default settings are fine if the mount is behaving itself.

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The SXV has an autoguide output and talks directly to the mount , AstroArt controls the whole thing. I must admit I have not been too happy with AstroArt.


Aaah!, not familiar with that one John, my SXVF-H9C will talk to an SX 'guide head', but that's something different.

Never had any problem with AA3, or as it is now AA4, and have been using AA for more than 5 years now.

At this very moment, its capturing images of the Cocoon Neb with the H9C, and driving the DSI guide cam.


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I am not sure why AstroArt is not guiding correctly. It could be as simple as the hazy weather or it could be that the mount is no longer responding. I think I can get Maxim to recognise the SXV and will have a go as soon as possible using this to autoguide.

Thanks Martin for the instructions.


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Thanks again Martin.

I have got an image on the screen after following your instructions. I am indoors so its just a blank image but tomorrow I should be able to use Maxim to autoguide the telescope and hopefully find out where the problem lies. I hope its not the mount as its less than a year old.


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OK - The mount is not responding to the commands from Maxim or AstroArt. I put my head near the mount and the sound did not change at all. I do not have a spare cable ( guide socket on mount to guide socket on SXV - same end plug ) so I cannot check the cable. Cannot think of anything that would stop the mount guide socket from working ( its been working fine since I had the mount) appart from some internal electronic fault.


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What's at the other end of the cable John? If its a parallel port or COM port, it could have got the wrong settings in there as Windoze likes to asign them how it sees fit when it feels like it.

Kaptain Klevtsov

Its one of those RJ types the smaller size.( RJ 11) But its been working fine up to tonight!!


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Found something.!!!!!!!

The pins inside the SXV guide output socket are bent and 2 of them are touching.

I have some instructions for taking the camera appart so I should be able to repair/replace the socket.

Lets hope this is the problem


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Sounds promising John. You aren't using a Vixen mount are you? They need an adaptor on the guide cable to work. I discovered that after many hours of strife.

No its a HEQ5 pro.

On the back of the SXV there are 2 similar sized sockets - one is the square shaped USB and the other is the RJ11. I remember in the dark the other night pushing the USB cable plug into the RJ11 socket by mistake ( yep , it will go in) I probably bent the pins when I pushed it in. :D


PS - thanks for everyones support

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