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Viewing Sites in Somerset


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They turn most the street lights off in North Somerset after 12, but seeing your from Bristol i'd guess the top of wrinkton? Ive gone up there a few times to watch the planes come in, its very dark but there are planes! Charterhouse/ Blagdon would be better, around 30 people live in Charterhouse & its got to be near the size of Weston although I do hear there are ghosts!

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I'm based in North Somerset. I believe the National Trust car park at Sand Point near Weston-super-Mare is a decent observing site. My back garden at Portishead isn't too bad but there is quite a bit of Bristol and Newport skyglow around so it pays to allow objects to get reasonably high in the sky before observing in earnest.

Bristol Astronomy club hold regular "taster" sessions in the car park of Tyntesfield House, the National Trust property near Wraxhall.

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