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Check my Collimation Please ???

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Installed bob's knobs and using my artificial star what do you reckon to my collimation status? When on a star its brighter than this but still looks very circular. Trying to calibrate in my mind what is "good" with "not good". Tinkered for ages and think this is about the best I can get it.

Appreciate opinions please? Appreciate the Airy Disk is quite faint when focus is really racked all the way out. Hope you can see it!

This is on a CPC 1100 11 inch SCT with a webcam SPC900

Rgds, Steve




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not sure what being out on the red circles means (never used software to collimate - don't do electronics at the scope) but it looking at the first two images it looks like it (i.e. the star image) needs to move right a little and possible up a little less.

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