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What could I do with a 10" telescope?

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Well, my latest project was (and still is, if the clouds ever back off!) hunting down asteroids. I use the Skycharts software to track them down. From where I live (moderate pollution) I can get down to 11th magnitude routinely which gives me access to a huge number of asteroids.

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messiers are good [tricky with the moon being just under full] but still do able from m1 the crab nebula to m110 the galaxy right beside m31 andromeda you can get a load of viewing with a 10" scope then theres the double stars [mizar in the plough for example which is a visual double but also a binary star which you may be able to split or elonate with your scope] and the double double stars [such as the double double in lyra so loads to see and do . theres also the moores winter marathon which is here http://astrog80.astro.cf.ac.uk/mwm/ so good luck

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