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HitecAstro DC Focus - any experience anybody?

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Hi all,

does anybody have any experience with this piece of hardware or a similar one? I want to start using my telescope with my imaging camera instead of an eyepiece. But using a camera gives a lot of magnification and it is very hard to get proper focus since every time I touch my telescope the picture starts bouncing and it is impossible to get a satisfactory result. Possible solution for me seems to be using a motorised focuser together with some kind of unit that connects it to a computer. I currently own a SkyWatcher motorised focuser, but it itself does not have any possibility to connect to a PC. There is a way to sort this out using HitecAstro DC Focus that replaces original control unit and offers an option to connect and control motorised focuser using a PC or a laptop. Does anybody have any experience or advice with this kind of equipment and if you have would you recommend it or do you have a better solution?

Thank you.



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Hi Rob

I also use this exact combination on my SW refractor and agree that it works very well, considering the price.

I run my whole setup using EQMOD from a PC in my kitchen, including focusing my webcam using DC Pro and I think it's a great piece of kit.

The focuser doesn't always return to the exact position as it is DC Servo based and not a Stepper motor, but it is near enough and I wouldn't change it at all.

I do have to have the power setting on maximum to move the focuser at a reasonable rate, as i have tightened up the focuser to prevent it slipping, but I have had no problems in the year I have had it so far.


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I did toy with moving further away and sitting in the front room, but I am at the 15m limit for the USB cables and I like to stay a little close in case I order the scope to slew into the tripod leg, or some dodgy character comes round the corner and tries to make off with it :smiley:

One day I might wander back to visual observing, but at the moment I am fascinated with imaging...much to Mrs Metalman's annoyance, as it keeps me busy for hours.

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