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IC1848 in HST palette


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The weather has again been a pain so this is another image which ahs taken several weeks to complete, it is of IC1848 (soul or foetus nebula) using the HST palette so SII:Ha:OIII = R:G:B. It was taken with a FSQ106ED at f5 and FLI ML8300 on a Paramount ME. Exposure details are as follows

SII 20x30 minutes

Ha 13x30 minutes

OIII 5x30 minutes

All sub frames were calibrated in Maxim DL5, images registered with Registar, stacking and pre-stretching to 16 bit tiff in Maxim DL5 and then colour combined and processed in Photoshop CS5. Processing consisted of levels, curves, contrast adjustments and selective colour

I first tried this over 4 years ago and that attempt can be seen on my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk for comparison.

There is a full size version of this at the following link


Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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There some nice richness to the nebula there Gordon especially in the Ha/Sii areas, but the colourful gradients on the sides of the image are a little distracting, the small preview shows them up quite a bit. Are they an artifact of the flats? You might be able to remove the worst of the colour bleeding using the selective colour tool perhaps, or the DBE tool in Pixinsight would possibly help.

At any rate, nice to see you posting pictures, the weather this year has been a shocker.



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