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Neoprene Bags for your EP's


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Ok if you are one of the people that use a case with cutouts in foam, then this isn't for you. If like me you use a bag or similar as per this http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/169463-carry-bag-for-eps/ , then this might be of interest.

I have an new 32mm EP and my Barlow that dont have a bag or case with them, so rather than have them in the cardboard box, i looked around and found these


They are designed for camera lens but will suit a EP perfectly well. Two good things, obviously Neoprene is thick and will protect the EP very well and it is also a good insulator and should keep the EP warmer for longer so thats an added bonus.

If you click on the buying options, you can buy them cheaper than the stated price of £7.50 at just £4.65 and the seller only charges you the one delivery fee.

win win i think if it suits your setup



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The cheaper option has a higher postage cost, surprise, surprise!

So they're the same cost.

Here's Focal Point Optics web page if you have an aversion to Amazon and their tax dodging antics!


You obviously missed the last part of my initial post bingevader.

The seller only charges you one delivery fee. So yes if you are buying one, bit of a bummer but two or more and you save cos he only charges the delivery fee once.


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Try here for a set of four different sizes for the same cost as Amazon.

Also sold separately for a couple of quid each if you only want smaller sizes.

They are the Matin ones and great quality if you can live with delivery of a couple of weeks


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Heads up, they arrived a few days since and are slightly bigger than I thought and so had no problem fitting any of my EP's into the pouches. I have to say they are excellent. I will have no worries about them getting damaged in transit and they will keep warm for a long time on a frosty night when tucked into one of these.

10/10 for cost, protection and general all round suitability.


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