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Open cluster tour.


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Beautiful clear night , dumped all the gear off at LeeB. We had a slight struggle with the GOTO, but got fired up with crisps and beer at 8.30.

The usual suspects Orion and Andromeda were checked out first for massive detail and nebulosity.

Orion:NGC1981. Looked like a large bright shopping trolley.

NGC2141 large

NGC2169. The number 37 and looking like " the little Pleiades"

ngc2186 chains

NGC2194 probably the best here with a bright core.

Then put in NGC2189 by mistake and came up with 2 stars with nebulosity between.

Then down to Lepus and the captured M79 between 2 stars.

Over to Monoceros and the upside down Xmas tree NGC2264.

Across to Gemini and the delightful M35 and a shot of the Esquimo nebula NGC2392.A view of the bi lobed NGC2371-2 pn. To see if we could pick this up.

Over to Auriga and M37 which I think is the richest of the trio and the kite cluster on it's string NGC1664 (hic).

Taurus showed the clusters NGC1758 and 1647, ending up with a shot of the Saturn neb in Aquarius.

There 's scant detail, must take a notebook next time. Highly likely Lee remembered more and probably saw more.

It was a good excercise to show what the scope could do. That being a 120 Bresser refractor that Lee bought from Fleabay ( bargain). I let him loose on the GOTO and kept wading through the patio furniture and the fighting cat.Being busy with Jupiter through the Dob.

We packed in at midnight about minus 4, no ice and very dry as the beer got too cold to drink,neat,


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Over to Monoceros and the upside down Xmas tree NGC2264.

Across to Gemini and the delightful M35 and a shot of the Esquimo nebula NGC2392.A view of the bi lobed NGC2371-2 pn. To see if we could pick this up.

Over to Auriga and M37 which I think is the richest of the trio and the kite cluster on it's string NGC1664 (hic).

Transparency not as good here but love those above you quoted. Maybe its the kid in me but I love the Christmas Tree cluster. Love M37. The NGC2371-2 is something new for me. Only got it a couple of days ago after much hunting. Once I found it, wondered why it took me so long!

It was absolutely freezing here when I finished up arounf 12.30am and the scope, seat, EP case, everything covered in a thick crust of ice. Thank God for those thermals, all snug right to the finish! Had some trouble with dew, the hair dryer was out more than once.

Sounds like you had a good one last night too. If the beer got too cold you could break away the bottle and enjoy an adult lollipop, lovely.


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It was a good night, strangely it got really cold -5 ish ,but no ice on the scopes and eyepieces didn't fog. Impressed with the goto once sorted. jupiter was a stare at for an hour object. Lots of NGcs as Nick listed but i'm sure we managed more and forgot to write them done.

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