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First time for 2 weeks


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Set up the 'scope last evening to try some AP with a focal reducer and my 550D, using APT to get the subs.

Nothing special, just M45 but it's a start. Getting the darks and flats now,

TBH I've not felt much like sttting up the scope lately as I've been in some shock from an unexpected berevement, I'm just now "coming up for air".

If anything looks worthwhile I'll post, but it's more of a learning exersise.

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As expected it's not worth showing. probably because I wasn't giving it the attention it deserved. too much of the "suck it and see" attitude. Also I was being somewhat lazy as I had the 'scope just outside my back door (Which faces east) originally so I could get an early view of Jupiter.

When I gat home tomorrow I might move the thing down to its normal position in the garden and take more care over polar alignment.

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Sorry to hear you loss DaveS. I am struggling with a very poorly wife who is on very aggressive chemo so can kind of feel your anguish.

The Astro is great for taking mind of this - if only it were clear more often. Was looking forward to tonight but clouded over in Nottingham..... :(

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Hey Kirkster, I am well aware of what ur going through, my wife is just coming out on the right side of her Cheemotherapy treatment. Just to say it only gets better so keep your chin up and keep positive.

I had my first night at the eyepiece for almost a year last night and it was amazing, but I forgot how cold it can be.

Clear skies


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Thanks for the kind words man. Yes it's hard with such a poorly wife and young children. But agree David, chin up and positive thoughts are always the order of the day.

Absolutely perishing last night. But I love it. Wrap up warm and be one with the Universe, makes me glad to feel alive. I can't get enough of it, weather permitting I'd be out every night !

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@kirkster501 and Gottzi

Mum (Who I've just lost at 92) had a nasty dose of Chemo back in '89 (It was touch and go at times) so I've seen up close what it's like. You and your wives have my sympathy and best wishes.

Weather forecast looks promising so maybe.... However it's her funeral on Tuesday. Perhaps it'll take my mind off it a bit.

Sorry to ramble.

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