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Jupiter looking v.nice again


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Lovely views of Jupiter here again tonight. Slight hazy cloud but nothing to spoil the view of the gas giant !.

The Great Red Spot is well onto the disk now and on it's way across. It should be hitting the central meridian around 11:52 pm.

Lots of detail on show with my ED102 refractor :smiley:

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The forecast here was for solid cloud but since you're not a million miles away I went out to check. There's a lot of hazy cloud and I've had a couple of decent nights on Jupiter already this week so I opted not to fight it. I did manage to get some decent subs of the Moon though for the third night on the trot so I have no complaints.


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I've packed in for tonight. It's still quite clear and the seeing is good but my little refractor got dewed up :sad:

Strange thing was that I could still make out the GRS even with a dewed objective lens. The overall image was rather dimmed though.

I don't get dew issues here much so I've no heated bands etc.

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It's a bit misty up the road a ways, so I couldn't get the scope out tonight but I did watch the Ganymede transit the other day. Probably the best view of Jupiter I have had using the 250PX and Pentax 10mm XW and a TV 2.5x barlow for 300x magnification. It seemed to me that the NEB and GRS were about the same shade of red, but the SEB a little darker more browny shade. Was that just my eyes or is that how it looks at present? Would explain the increased contrast between GRS and SEB allowing it to be visible through the dew?

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I wonder if that's because you're close to the coast? Perhaps that means there's usually a bit of air movement to help limit the problems with dew.


Possibly James although I don't usually get much trouble with dew. We live on a hill at about 300ft above sea level which seems to keep dew levels down compared with lower sites I've observed from.

There is a lot of moisture in the ground though from all the recent rain so perhaps thats helping dew to form more easily ?.

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