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Stacking images

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I had my first real go with my new Skymax127 a couple of nights ago, and I managed to take 3 reasonable pictures of the moon using my mobile phone held up against a 32mm eyepiece.

Is it possible to stack these images, and would it be worth it ?






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You could put them through registax 5 and have a play with the wavelets to see what you get - to get a real improvement you may need to stack 40-60 images (or more) - have a go and learn registax as it is a bit tricky to get the hang of it at first. Just use the default settings for most of the time until you are more familiar with it.

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You could put them through registax 5 and have a play with the wavelets to see what you get - to get a real improvement you may need to stack 40-60 images (or more) - have a go and learn registax as it is a bit tricky to get the hang of it at first. Just use the default settings for most of the time until you are more familiar with it.

Thanks for the reply Roger.

I've tried using Registax 5 as you suggest, but I can't work out how to use it !!

I'm afraid I'm not very computer literate so I'm going to have to find an idiots guide for REAL idiots !!



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Have a look at this tutorial: http://stargazerslou...-solar-imaging/ It was written with Solar imaging in mind but will work for Lunar as well - it shows the steps needed to stack in registax5 in some detail.

Hi Roger

I'm getting stuck right at the start of the stacking process !

I'm clicking on 'Select' and my pictures folder opens. I then scroll down to the 3 images of the moon, but when I click on any of them, it just opens that image (after a few seconds delay) in Registax. I can't seem to work out how to get all 3 images into Registax in order to stack. I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious, but I can't work out what !!

Any ideas ??

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Hold down Ctrl and click on each image in turn (this selects only the images you click on) or hold down Shift and click on the first and last only (this selects every image between the first clicked and the last, including any that you may not want!).

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Hold down Ctrl and click on each image in turn (this selects only the images you click on) or hold down Shift and click on the first and last only (this selects every image between the first clicked and the last, including any that you may not want!).

Brilliant. It works. Can't believe it was something so simple !!

Thanks very much

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Thanks. I've just had my first go at imaging Jupiter. The result isn't great, but the main thing is I've got my head round using my webcam software and Registax, so hopefully things will improve with practise. I'll also have to download Photoshop or something similar to enhance the images more, as I've got nothing like that at the moment.


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I've had a wee play - Hope you don't mind - just balanced the colours a bit and sharpened it up. You have some good data there, very well done indeed! That's the Great Red Spot coming into view on the left hand side (The GRS is actually quite yellowish at the moment!)


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