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A hectic personal life means this is my first Jup of 2012


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After finally finding myself some time away from sorting out problems at home I managed to get out under the stars a couple weeks back and I have had to do battle with the poor avi's I got from the nights session but I think I have found some thing worth posting. Not brilliant I admit but I'm still trying to figure out how it's all done and have yet to understand why all the better images I get keep coming out red and require PS to get them looking anywhere near like the colour it should be.

As always any advice welcomed.

Capture 17_11_2012 21_30_17.tif

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I have a DFK218 Jules but there are so many codecs and what have you to choose from I always forget which ones give the best combination. I did have a thread going at one point but I can't find my way around SGL like I used to. This is not the first time I have had red images but they always seem to give the best results. I was told it was something to do with debayering and you have to do something in registax to sort it but I am hopeless at learning new stuff so pretty much use all the presets and when I tried messing with the debayer it didn't seem to have any effect ???

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