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£310,000 for a trip to mars?


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Yup, Your probably right. The Moon would make a nice low cost platform for future missions too.

In terms of long term colonisation though would you put Mars down as the better choice? in terms of resources and terraforming etc?

You wouldn't want to terraform the Moon, just colonise it. After all, it needs a lot sorting to be able to breathe on the surface:

1: Meaningful atmosphere

2: Some sort of magnetic field to protect atmosphere / reduce radiation

3: Importation of Hydrogen, Oxygen etc.


It's just too far away from being terraformable. Mars on the other hand really only needs a few more degrees and more of the CO2 ice caps will sublime, causing the atmospheric pressure to rise and become thicker, causing more warming in a positive feedback system.

Colonisation is far cheaper in the short term, still requires a lot of importation, but people can live in pressurised capsules, and much of the technology needed probably exists today (think aircraft pressurisation etc.).

But that would mean we no longer have bank-manager jokes! :eek:

True, but imagine getting a free scope!

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