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First acceptable jupiter mono + colour


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Last night it was cloudy but I got some decent captures of random areas of the moon and some less than ideal captures of jupiter with the monochrome firefly camera.

The transparency was very poor (it was getting quite foggy) but thanks to the firefly's frame rate I got 2000 usable frames.

Cannot wait to see the detail I can get with more mag and clear conditions.

Anyway I decided to merge some colour from an old capture of jupiter I took using an asda webcam.

I used a low opacity and obviously as the colour data is NOT from the same night, it is far from perfect to merge with, but I'm quite pleased!

Here is the colourless stacked image from the firefly:


And the same image with some colour added over the top from an older capture:


I definitely prefer the first image but perhaps with a bit of work and proper captures I could get some decent results!



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The main data is from a Point Grey Firefly MV monochrome camera. Was recommended it by someone on this site and had one delivered from Canada to the UK. Total cost including shipping £29 :)!

The splashed some colour on from a £7 asda webcam.

I should have said the telescope I was using; it was a skywatcher 200p f/5 with the standard 2x barlow.


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Thanks :)


The postage was $10 roughly to the UK. Note: It doesn't come with the usb cable required.

Then I bought an spc900 to 1.25" adapter which can be bought online from a few places, I personally found one on ebay (unfortunately not listed anymore).

Here is a quick picture I just took with the skywatcher barlow next to it for scale.


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