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M42 and unidentified object


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While taking long exposure photos on M42 last night (16 @ 30seconds) i noticed an object travelling very slowly through the area (was not visible to eye).

Discussing it with fellow scopers at time we deduced it was not a Satellite or meteorite as it was travelling too slowly ( it took about 5 mins just to travel over the nebula area) Anybody have any ideas as what it could of been?

I've attached the stacked images and you can just make out the trajectory of the object. it was roughly 4 mins for the line visible.

I have also got a video of individual images to see it moving.

Any suggestions would be helpful. I was thinking asteroid of similiar.

It starts at top right through to left middle.

- Video

Each frame is roughly 30 seconds long with 20 seconds between each frame


photo is just a rough copy so far. sorry :embarrassed:

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I saw the faint streak in the vid, had to up the quality and do fullscreen though.

I got one of those lines in my final M31 andromeda also when I was out doing some unguided the other week.

That's also a nice nebulae you got there. Good work.

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