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Iris Nebula 50 mins OSC colour


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Hi, well it seems by threatening to sell up the cloud gods listened and allowed me to get 50 minutes of clear sky, just enough to get an image which had I been shooting LRGB I would have failed miserably..

Which re enforces 'my personal opinion' that living on the North West Coast of the UK ( Preston Lancashire) moving back to OSC form LRGB was not a bad idea, plus this image was taken with a half Moon..

Not bad for 50 minutes ( 10 x 300 seconds ) bias and master flat stacked in AstroArt V5 - tweak in Pixinsight - finished in CS5

Now the clouds are back and the Moon is getting larger the next time I see this target it will be past the meridian and heading over my neighbours chimney pots :D

Not anything like a Penrice or Page master but for me it was all worth the effort ;)

Iris Nebula


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For just 50mins, that's got some cracking detail and colour...

I went the other way! From OSC to mono..... I quite understand your thoughts though (and signature!) Perhaps in a year or so I will be fed up of half finished shots and will have to invest in a OSC camera to go alongside the mono... each to their own!

Are you using an IDAS filter in the optical train (like I did)....?

Clear skies - could be tomorrow night according to the BBC forecast...!


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For just 50mins, that's got some cracking detail and colour...

I went the other way! From OSC to mono..... I quite understand your thoughts though (and signature!) Perhaps in a year or so I will be fed up of half finished shots and will have to invest in a OSC camera to go alongside the mono... each to their own!

Are you using an IDAS filter in the optical train (like I did)....?

Clear skies - could be tomorrow night according to the BBC forecast...!


I always use an IDAS , they are extremely good in my town location..

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I see what you mean about the OSC and the UK weather and, yes, this image makes your point.

Can I offer two processing suggestions?

1) Do a separate stretch for the core and forget the rest of the image. Just concentrate on the core and keep it below saturation so you still see the entire main star. Paste this under the main image and softly erase the blown core from the top layer.

2) Run it through the free Hasta La Vista Green (from the website Deep Sky Colors) or, if you have Pixinsight, run it through SCNR Green. There's a lot of green noise in there which would be good to chase away.

Preston's on the coast??? :grin: :grin: Yikes, it wasn't when I left. On the other hand Morecambe did seem to be crumbling into the sea, though...


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I see what you mean about the OSC and the UK weather and, yes, this image makes your point.

Can I offer two processing suggestions?

1) Do a separate stretch for the core and forget the rest of the image. Just concentrate on the core and keep it below saturation so you still see the entire main star. Paste this under the main image and softly erase the blown core from the top layer.

2) Run it through the free Hasta La Vista Green (from the website Deep Sky Colors) or, if you have Pixinsight, run it through SCNR Green. There's a lot of green noise in there which would be good to chase away.

Preston's on the coast??? :grin: :grin: Yikes, it wasn't when I left. On the other hand Morecambe did seem to be crumbling into the sea, though...


Thanks for the Tips Olly.. I'll give em a bash..


A Lancashire lad yourself (Wigan/Chorley) you should know that we have a Sea 'Port of Preston' that isnt part of the Leeds / Liverpool canal although accessible to both :D

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