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Give us our daily sun (Ha 8-11-12)


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Used 40 mins at lunch time to capture a full disc and a couple of 2x (to follow) today. Some nice activity on the surface but much fewer proms than in previous days.

About 1000 frames stacked from 2000 for the surface and around half that for the proms. As normal now processed in greyscale and false colour.

post-10602-0-31349500-1352389938_thumb.j post-10602-0-86669600-1352389931_thumb.j

Oh, and a good deal less wind today, actually quite warm in the sun.

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Processed the 2x, actually the join up as well, so thrown that one in for good measure.


post-10602-0-69899900-1352395089_thumb.j post-10602-0-58175600-1352395098_thumb.j

post-10602-0-36326600-1352395107_thumb.j post-10602-0-84709700-1352395061_thumb.j

post-10602-0-83837900-1352395070_thumb.j post-10602-0-91745400-1352395081_thumb.j

Sorry forgot to invert them. For best enjoyment, turn your computer upside down or stand on your head.

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Thanks Kev,

I have had a good little run since Sunday, only missed Tuesday. I have it down to a fine art now, out for around 30-40 mins at lunch time crouched behind my car door, half sitting on the seat.

Time to fire up your solar scope and remind us how it is done!

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Bad luck Richard, it was fairly sunny all day at my works, but I couldn't spare more than around half an hour. I do tend to sit Nd watch for my weather window to try and maximise my chances of getting something.

Forecast for me is fairly cloudy tomorrow so I don't know if I will get the chance for another. It is forecast to be sunny all weekend, so with a bit of luck I can give it more time and try some full disc mosaics with my Barlow.

Thanks for the kind comments Alexandra, I am trying my hardest to get some nice shots like you and get some good colour as I prefer the coloured images.

I have gone over to the dark side again tonight, trying my hand at the Andromeda galaxy, again. It's a lot more hassle this night time stuff, lots more kit to set up.

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