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Dew Shield Problem!!!

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Ok this is annoying me and im wondering what you guys do.....

i finally get my mount setup. polar aligned, my star alignment is good and i can expose guided for 20mins+. All is good i'm a happy bunny etc etc.

When im finished a session i park the scope & put into hibernation & need to put the scopes lens cap back on to take my darks & genrally keep my scope clean & this is where my latest issue occurs.

At this point i have to remove the dew shield which uses velcro to keep it attached to the scope, i call it velcro but its more like superglue thats been heat welded & rivited to the end of my scope & im finding it very hard to either slide it off the end of the scope or undo it without the OTA shifting in DEC meaning that when i wake the scope up the alignment is screwed up.

I don't want to over tighten the clutchs on the scope and i don't reckon i should have too, so how do you guys avoid this?


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I use cell foam, with black duck tape round it, it slides on and off ok, just a slight stretch to get it on.....

Same here. A camping mat stuck into a tube with Velcro, that just slides on and off.

Typed by me on my fone, using fumms... Excuse eny speling errurs.

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