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This is my go at NGC869 with an LRGB stack. Its 6x125s RGB@2x2 and 6x300s L@1x1. Just some curve and level boosts in PS, with a gradiant reduction. Unfortunately I think focus or collimation was out when I did this one, so not really up to it. The Moon was out, so it was cluster night!


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Let's not forget that this is still a very nice image & deserves good feedback! Unless you're at the very top like Olly and a few others, the majority of us still need to work on various skills - and I certainly put myself in the latter bucket as well. If I'd produced an image of the Double cluster like BlueAstra has done I'd be pretty chuffed.

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Thanks for your comments chaps. I have no problem with people pointing out issues with my images, it's a step curve and the only way to learn! I'm very guilty of over processing to try and cover up noise and other issues associated with insufficient subs, subs too short or light pollution. I'm also fighting the equipment to try and get the best out of it. It's nice when it all comes together, but unfortunately its not happening often at the moment.

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Thanks for your comments chaps. I have no problem with people pointing out issues with my images, it's a step curve and the only way to learn! I'm very guilty of over processing to try and cover up noise and other issues associated with insufficient subs, subs too short or light pollution. I'm also fighting the equipment to try and get the best out of it. It's nice when it all comes together, but unfortunately its not happening often at the moment.

Good attitude :) We are all here to help each other - I've found members here to be very helpful without the backbiting found in some other places :)
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