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Full moon taken with DSLR no lens, no eyepiece.


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Still getting to grips with getting my DSLR and telescope talking to one another. For these full moon photos I'm pointing the DSLR (with no lens) into where the eyepiece would go on the telescope. Hence, no magnification and making focusing a tad tricky.

I have the DSLR RAW files so can tinker with the brightness etc.

Never the less...









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Very well done. Some of that glare is caused by high cloud/haze and ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. Try dropping the exposure time a bit more and take a bunch of images and try stacking them - I think you will like the results! (use JPEG as RAW may not be to the liking of your stacking software - use Registax 5 - freeware - as it is easy to use for this.)

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Given how you're doing it I think they're pretty good. Good as I think the Heritage 130P is for the money, it must be a nightmare for imaging with.


Yeah, it is a bit. I have the camera with t-piece bit where the eyepiece should be then have to slide the extended part of the 130P in/out to get focused. Trying to get a good focus is a bit hit and miss as everything looks nicely focused on a small digital screen on the DSLR :D

I'll have to try running off a ton of pics (easy enough with the DSLR settings and the wireless shutter widget I bought) then stick them through Registax. Although I've no idea how to properly use it. :D

And I want to try and get in close and run off a ton of pics to make a mosaic. But I'm jumping ahead of myself there...

Thanks for the kind words all!

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