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IC1848 - the Soul Nebula quick'n'dirty Ha...


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At about midnight last night I was reminded that the washing up needed doing but I spotted clearing skies through the window so rushed out to set up instead :grin:

I got 14x 5 minutes subs in Ha of the Soul Nebula which was clearing the meridian (and the zenith for that matter) by the time I was set up. Next time I'll wait an hour or so for it to get lower as my guiding was problematic - not helped by my leaving my laptop power cable trailing over the camera end of the scope :rolleyes:

I couldn't resist doing the Soul nebula as I have a setup that can fit it in :grin: As the moon is growing again the next clear nights will be spent getting more Ha (the image is noisy, I think there were some high clouds) and some OIII...


OTA & Camera: Borg ED77II @ f/4.3 - SX H-694 through a Baader 7nm Ha filter

Mount: EQ6 via EQMac

Guiding via Lodestar and PHD (Side by Side)

Data Capture: Nebulosity

14x 5 min subs, stacked and processed in PixInsight


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James, you've done a good job with this one. I really think the Soul Nebula is a great target, packed with HA, and if you have time there's a decent amount of OIII (gives a nice blue inner centre); it's also one of the few targets that has quite a lot of SII as well - I'd encourage you to dig into this one with the other filters as well since as you point out it fits neatly into the frame of your set-up

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