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Cygnus / Cepheus Milky Way


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The Milky Way closeup of the region around Cygnus and Cepheus. This region has two great voids, one officially known as the Northern Coal Sack (to the right of Deneb in this image) and the other is Le Gentil 3, also known as Globular Filament 7 at left of center.

This is the result of two photographic film frames exposed in September. Each was a 45 minute exposure using the Pentax 67 medium format camera and portrait lens (165mm) at f/4.8. Kodak E200 was used and was pushed +1.5 stops. The camera was piggybacked atop a vintage 8" Meade SCT that is permanently mounted in my roll off roof observatory.

This scan was done on a Epson V600 scanner at 1200 PPI and reduced to 1280 x 1024 for this presentation. Processing was done in Photoshop and PixInsight.

Thanks for looking.


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Another beautiful image Jim :) MF film certainly holds a lot of detail. I bet that image can be blown up far more than we're seeing here but even this image is showing lovely fine detail. I remember missing the fine resolution of two and a quarter square film when I went over to 35mm.

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