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Vixen Sphinx SXW vs EQ6


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Hi fellows

Which mount would you recommend for an astroimaging mount?

I have an opportunity to get a 2nd hand Vixen at about similiar price to EQ6.

I was told by seller, that altho the Sphinx is only rated at 15kg ( incl weights ), the way it is designed is unique, in that the placement of the motors assist in being additonal weight - my concern is putting C9.25, Scopos ED 66, DSLR + Meade DSI will it cope? :lol:

EQ6 is 25kg loading capacity and is a perfect imaging platform.

Input from those of you who have these mounts most welcome :D

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Take the load carrying capacities with a big pinch of salt. The Eq6 is a clone of the Tak EM200. The Tak is rated to carry 16Kg. Now there is no way the Eq6 is going to have better load carrying than the Tak. The difference is that 16Kg for the Tak applies to whatever you want to do including imaging with long focal length Mewlons. The Eq6 25kg relates to visual. Vixen appear to be very conservative with their ratings, the GPDX is rated at 10kg. I have imaged M51 in a strong gusty wind using an ED120 and 80 side by side plus camera and filter wheel - 10kg+. The mount tracked very well. I'm sure, for visual it would be capable of much more.

Longer scopes such as large refractors apply more leverage on the mount which affects capacity. Bulky scopes such as newts are buffeted by the wind.

I am a bit confused by the Sphinxes. Both the SXW and the SXD deluxe are rated at 10kg on the Orion Optical site. I had heard that the deluxe would carry more but am not so sure now.

If the Sphinx you have seen is rated at 15kg by Vixen you can rest assured it will comfortably carry a 9.25 SCT 66mm Scopos and camera.

I haven't checked the tracking on the GPDX but a number users are reporting that when properly adjusted it is reasonable to expect +/- 5 arc secs periodic error without PEC. The key words there are "properly adjusted" and this is a bit of an art form.

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