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I do not know how to set one of these up but the usual user error with goto scopes is to use mm/dd/ year as in the us style not dd/mm/year as in english the next most common mistake is to get the time zone wrong in short check your date and time as they are the most common mistakes

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Need more then something is wrong.

Where are you are you using a supplied loction or your own, timezone, mount type, time, DST.

I have 2 of the smaller ones ETX-70 and to be honest they are one of the easiest to set up and align.

Best advice is to ask here and people can check the data then hit the reset button, clear everything and enter it all from scratch.

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Sorry, I see you are in India.

Not sure how to put this but that is the problem.

India does not use a "standard" timezone of 1 hours slices, it is running 4 1/2 hours difference to the UK and it is this 1/2 hour that throws the scope. Someone had exactly the same problem about 15 months back.

You may be able to use the supplied locations, or you define your own but then the scope cannot use "local" time. The time difference is 1/2 hour and so 7.5 degres wrong it is too much for the scope to compensate for. Not sure what the solution is.

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Assuming that I have this right:

When entering your location data set the Timezone to +5, set a custom location by adding one in, so only done once.

When setting up and aligning set the time to what your watch/clock says and ADD 30 minutes. need to do this every time you align and use the scope.

You are in effect using your location for Lat+Long but the timezone offset for Male in the Maldives and the 30 minutes addition to allow for India being on a +4.5 hour time difference not a 5 hour time difference.

Well that is what I hope is being done and that all together it works round the problem.

Lat/Long are whereever you are, not a clue about DST.

If this works then be aware that you will have to be careful around 11:30pm as the date will then have to switch to tomorrow's date.

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If the scope has New Delhi in the internal data I would just use that.

Does India use DST ?

I always thought that it was +4.30 hours difference not +5.30 hours unless DST is not applied.

As the actual daylight hours in India will not change as much as they do here over the year so DST would be irrelevant.

Just checked India does not use DST.

In which case it may need to be +4:30

You may be +5:30 from us, at present, but we are not on GMT, your time difference should be based on GMT

I think that if you go to Set up option for Site or location, whatever it is called, you can display New Delhi then select Edit and that may allow you to change the Time Zone.

There is the chance that someone has added New Delhi as a custom location and set the timezone to +5:30. If it a custom setting then I do not know if the Meade software will handle the odd half hour. Would be interested to know.

I recall someone saying Meade do not have a support email otherwise I would email and ask them.

If New Delhi is a custom entry then you may lose it if you reset the autostar.

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