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How is everyone doing on Sky at Night Moore Winter Challenge?


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Despite not being the best weather since Sir Patrick et al set this challenge I was wondering how you are all doing

For myself so far items

1-3, 7-10,17, 18, 26, 27, 29, 35, 49

I have viewed several of the others before the challenge started so I have not included them & will revisit in due course

Happy hunting

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I've not started yet either. Some of them might well take a few months to be realistically visible. I think M79 is not getting that high above the horizon for the moment for most people, for instance.


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done a fair few last night with mark 1 eyeball and bins the list so far 1-25 pleides and the v of the hydes , also the double star theta tauri , orions sword in the early am and orion open cluster with bins [didnt realise how many stars there were in the belt

26-50 jupiter but poor banding and no hint of spot at 11pm last night ,got the trapesium yesterday early 3 am ,tried for the rosette neb as well got a very faint fuzzy which may have been but not confirmed . and thats it so far roll on clear skies

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