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Quick session last night


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Unexpectedly had an hour free last night, with clear skies amazingly. Initially popped out with the 15x50is binos but decided to get the 66mm out too (on the manfrotto/berelebach combo) as it was looking pretty good, although still a fair amount of LP as the street lights hadn't dimmed yet.

I used my filters (UHC-S and OIII) on the binos and I really think they help on nebulae. I got a decent view of M27, and spotted M57 too, although very small.

With the scope, I just used 1.25" ep's, 3-6 nag zoom, 7.2 to 21.5 mm Planetary Zoom and 25mm XCEL-LX which gave me a nice range of magnification. I also dug out an UltraBlock 1.25" filter which I haven't used for ages and must say I was very impressed with it. M57 and M27 both stood out very clearly with it even at higher magnifications. Nice ring shape on M57 and some detail in M27.

Other than that, just a tour of normal suspects, the double double split ok but took around x 120 so not the best but nice still.

I did find Kembles Cascade which was a first for me (have seen before but someone else found it). Not surprised I'd missed it before, it is in an area of sky which is quite poor so was hard to see, but it's definitely one to try again from a dark site, this weekend hopefully. I found another, quite large cluster in Casseopia which I have yet to identify. It had what seemed to be a number of large loops of stars. I haven't managed to identify it yet, another for the weekend, sure it is obvious but not one I've seen before.

Finished off with the ET cluster which was looking as cheeky as ever, one of favourites.

In summary, a nice little session, nothing earth shattering but re discovered a useful bit of kit (UltraBlock) and found two new objects so quite happy

Bring on PSP and some clear skies! :D


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Thanks Mike.

Having looked at my star atlas and done some surfing, it is possible my unidentified open cluster is called Stock 2, apparently also nicknamed the Muscleman Cluster. I'm not totally sure but will confirm next time out. Anyone else seen it? Near the Double Cluster.... I must confess that other than seeing the references on star charts, I've no idea of the background to the Stock 'catalogue'


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...my unidentified open cluster is called Stock 2...Anyone else seen it? Near the Double Cluster.... I must confess that other than seeing the references on star charts, I've no idea of the background to the Stock 'catalogue'

I've been working through the open clusters and doubles in Perseus and the other night I did have a gander at Stock 2. It's quite a busy and very wide open cluster which I couldn't fit entirely in my EP. There were a couple of doubles noted and I'd say about 50 or so 8 magnitude stars. I'm not sure but I think a Chilean astronomer called Jurgen Stock discovered this cluster.

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Thanks all.

Qualia, the Jurgen Stock suggestion makes sense so will do some checking into this. Will confirm back once I am sure that's what I saw. The LP in this direction at home is pretty lousy so it's tough finding things. I intend to have a good trawl around Cassiopea at PSP.

Michael, your 80mm APM sounds great. At, some point, I'd like something between the 66mm and 106mm fracs, or possibly in replacement of the 66mm (though I can't imagine letting that go). The 106mm is just too big and heavy to regard as grab and go and 80mm sounds like a good compromise.


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I really like my 80mm APM. It is essentially the same scope as the TS 80mm F/6 triplet, but my impression is APM does better quality control (I might be wrong of course). I bought mine from APM mainly because their webshop made it easier to buy scope and flattener (for future photography) with a discount. TS have one on offer for 624 euro here: http://www.teleskop-service.de/schnaeppchen.htm (in German, fifth telescope in the list). It has been used once to obtain reference images (star testing I think), and comes with full warranty. They give an email address where you can express your interest below the list.

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Michael, you're a very bad man for posting that, you'll get me into trouble! :p Actually, I genuinely can't afford it at the moment so I can't buy anything until I sell something :(


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