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Ad-hoc observing session with bins


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I got up extra early this morning to catch the Korean F1 Grand Prix and had a spare half hour. Walking passed the hallway window (which faces south) I caught Orion rising above the houses so grabbed the 7x50s for an ad-hoc session (like I need an excuse). The sky was clear but starting to brighten in the pre-Dawn.

My first target was Orion which I always greet as an old friend as it was one of the first constellations I learnt to recognise when I was at school. The main shape of seven stars was clearly visible and a sweep with the bins revealed the nebulosity of M42. Moving upwards the three belt stars were framed in the fov.

Following the belt stars upwards I first found Aldebaran and the Hyades. Being higher in the sky this was incredibly clear. I also paused at Jupiter and the bins clearly showed a bright disc with at least two moons visible. Onto one of my faves, M45 which is always a magnificent sight in bins and widefield EPs.

Sweeping across to the north-western skies I found M31, pale and faint but there nonetheless. Doubling back on myself I found Perseus and headed for the Double Cluster, again faint but there in the fov. I swept down the constellation and found the Alpha Persei Association.

Returning to Orion I found the Celestial G as mentioned in this month's S@N. Moving east I picked up Venus which was framed by Leo. No phase visible in the bins but a brilliant disc hanging in the sky. I finished the session with a general sweep of the Milky Way and returned to a few of the targets mentioned above and then went back indoors.

I'm now writing this report up as I'm listening to the pre-race track chat. I also have a mug of hot tea and some choc chip cookies at the ready. This isn't the greatest observing report (only my second) but I wanted to share it with other SGLers, a case of enthusiasm over objectivity. Also, nothing beats binocular astronomy for on-the-hoof observing with the whole session taking about 20 minutes i total.

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Saw these sights the other morning at about 5am.There was a beautifully clear sky at this time,and it made me look forward to the winter observing nights to come! So much so that I HAD to stay out until 4am with the scope yesterday morning,observing M42 in detail,amongst others.Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us John.

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I do much the same at times, head out with binoculars. Nice and easy to have a general search and look around the skies. Can sit at the front door and see the western sky easily and fairly comfortably.

Sometimes use a darker site about 20 minutes away that is useful, more things stand out to be seen.

Like OSS I use fairly standard binoculars, not the ones sold as astro. Would rather use a small scope for anything over 10x, too much image bounce, and binoculars and tripod are no more transportable then a scope and tripod and less versatile.

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